Monday, 11 March 2019

Coming Up: 12th GATE Summer School 17-21 June 2019

It is approaching that time of the year again! The GATE training course will be held from 17-21 June 2019 at the University of Sheffield, UK.

No previous experience or programming expertise is necessary, so it's suitable for anyone with an interest in text mining and using GATE, including people from humanities backgrounds, social sciences, etc.

This event will follow a similar format to that of the 2018 course, with one track Monday to Thursday, and two parallel tracks on Friday, all delivered by the GATE development team. You can read more about it and register here. Early bird registration is available at a discounted rate until 1 May.

The focus will be on mining text and social media content with GATE. Many of the hands on exercises will be focused on analysing news articles, tweets, and other textual content.

The planned schedule is as follows (NOTE: may still be subject to timetabling changes).
Single track from Monday to Thursday (9am - 5pm):
  • Monday: Module 1: Basic Information Extraction with GATE
    • Intro to GATE + Information Extraction (IE)
    • Corpus Annotation and Evaluation
    • Writing Information Extraction Patterns with JAPE
  • Tuesday: Module 2: Using GATE for social media analysis
    • Challenges for analysing social media, GATE for social media
    • Twitter intro + JSON structure
    • Language identification, tokenisation for Twitter
    • POS tagging and Information Extraction for Twitter
  • Wednesday: Module 3: Crowdsourcing, GATE Cloud/MIMIR, and Machine Learning
    • Crowdsourcing annotated social media content with the GATE crowdsourcing plugin
    • GATE Cloud, deploying your own IE pipeline at scale (how to process 5 million tweets in 30 mins)
    • GATE Mimir - how to index and search semantically annotated social media streams
    • Challenges of opinion mining in social media
    • Training Machine Learning Models for IE in GATE
  • Thursday: Module 4: Advanced IE and Opinion Mining in GATE
    • Advanced Information Extraction
    • Useful GATE components (plugins)
    • Opinion mining components and applications in GATE
On Friday, there is a choice of modules (9am - 5pm):
  • Module 5: GATE for developers
    • Basic GATE Embedded
    • Writing your own plugin
    • GATE in production - multi-threading, web applications, etc.
  • Module 6: GATE Applications
    • Building your own applications
    • Examples of some current GATE applications: social media summarisation, visualisation, Linked Open Data for IE, and more
These two modules are run in parallel, so you can only attend one of them. You will need to have some programming experience and knowledge of Java to follow Module 5 on the Friday. No particular expertise is needed for Module 6.
Hope to see you in Sheffield in June!

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Python: using ANNIE via its web API

GATE Cloud is GATE, the world-leading text-analytics platform, made available on the web with both human user interfaces and programmatic ones.

My name is David Jones and part of my role is to make it easier for you to use GATE. This article is aimed at Python programmers and people who are, rightly, curious to see if Python can help with their text analysis work.

GATE Cloud exposes a web API for many of its services. In this article, I'm going to sketch an example in Python that uses the GATE Cloud API to ANNIE, the English Named Entity Recognizer.

I'm writing in Python 3 using the really excellent requests library.

The GATE Cloud API documentation describes the general outline of using the API, which is that you make an HTTP request setting particular headers.

The full code that I'm using is available on GitHub and is installable and runnable.

A simple use is to pass text to ANNIE and get annotated results back.
In terms of Python:

    text = "David Jones joined the University of Sheffield this year"
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
    response =, data=text, headers=headers)

The Content-Type header is required and specifies the MIME type of the text we are sending. In this case it's text/plain but GATE Cloud supports many types including PDF, HTML, XML, and Twitter's JSON format; details are in the GATE Cloud API documentation.

The default output is JSON and in this case once I've used Python's json.dumps(thing, indent=2) to format it nicely, it looks like this:
  "text": "David Jones joined the University of Sheffield this year",
  "entities": {
    "Date": [
        "indices": [
        "rule": "ModifierDate",
        "ruleFinal": "DateOnlyFinal",
        "kind": "date"
    "Organization": [
        "indices": [
        "orgType": "university",
        "rule": "GazOrganization",
        "ruleFinal": "OrgFinal"
    "Person": [
        "indices": [
        "firstName": "David",
        "gender": "male",
        "surname": "Jones",
        "kind": "fullName",
        "rule": "PersonFull",
        "ruleFinal": "PersonFinal"
The JSON returned here is designed to have a similar structure to the format used by Twitter: Tweet JSON. The outermost dictionary has a text key and an entities key. The entities object is a dictionary that contains arrays of annotations of different types; each annotation being a dictionary with an indices key and other metadata. I find this kind of thing is impossible to describe and impossible to work with until I have an example and half-working code in front of me.

The full Python example uses this code to unpick the annotations and display their type and text:

    gate_json = response.json()
    response_text = gate_json["text"]
    for annotation_type, annotations in gate_json["entities"].items():
        for annotation in annotations:
            i, j = annotation["indices"]
            print(annotation_type, ":", response_text[i:j])

With the text I gave above, I get this output:
Date : this year
Organization : University of Sheffield
Person : David Jones
We can see that ANNIE has correctly picked out a date, an organisation, and a person, from the text. It's worth noting that the JSON output has more detail that I'm not using in this example: "University of Sheffield" is identified as a university; "David Jones" is identified with the gender "male".

Some notes on programming

  • requests is nice.
  • Content-Type header is required.
  • requests has a response.json() method which is a shortcut for parsing the JSON into Python objects.
  • the JSON response has a text field, which is the text that was analysed (in my example they are the same, but for PDF we need the linear text so that we can unambiguously assign index values within it).
  • the JSON response has an entities field, which is where all the annotations are, first separated and keyed by their annotation type.
  • the indices returned in the JSON are 0-based end-exclusive which matches the Python string slicing convention, hence we can use response_text[i:j] to get the correct piece of text.

Quota and API keys

The public service has a fairly limited quota, but if you create an account on GATE Cloud you can create an API key which will allow you to access the service with increased quota and fewer limits.

To use your  API key, use HTTP basic authentication, passing in the Key ID as the user-id and the API key password as the password. requests makes this pretty simple, as you can supply auth=(user, pass) as an additional keyword argument to Possibly even simpler though is to put those values in your ~/.netrc file (_netrc in Windows):

    login 71rs93h36m0c
    password 9u8ki81lstfc2z8qjlae

The nice thing about this is that requests will find and use these values automatically without you having to write any code.

Go try using the web API now, and let us know how you get on!

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Brexit--The Regional Divide

Although the UK voted by a narrow margin in the UK EU membership referendum in 2016 to leave the EU, that outcome failed to capture the diverse feelings held in various regions. It's a curious observation that the UK regions with the most economic dependence on the EU were the regions more likely to vote to leave it. The image below on the right is taken from this article from the Centre for European Reform, and makes the point in a few different ways. This and similar research inspired a current project the GATE team are undertaking with colleagues in the Geography and Journalism departments at Sheffield University, under the leadership of Miguel Kanai and with funding from the British Academy, aiming to understand whether lack of awareness of individual local situation played a role in the referendum outcome.
Our Brexit tweet corpus contains tweets collected during the run-up to the Brexit referendum, and we've annotated almost half a million accounts for Brexit vote intent with a high accuracy. You can read about that here. So we thought we'd be well positioned to bring some insights. We also annotated user accounts with location: many Twitter users volunteer that information, though there can be a lot of variation on how people describe their location, so that was harder to do accurately. We also used local and national news media corpora from the time of the referendum, in order to contrast national coverage with local issues are around the country.
"People's resistance to propaganda and media‐promoted ideas derives from their close ties in real communities"
Jean Seaton
Using topic modelling and named entity recognition, we were able to look for similarities and differences in the focus of local and national media and Twitter users. The bar chart on the left gets us started, illustrating that foci differ between media. Twitter users give more air time than news media to trade and immigration, whereas local press takes the lead on employment, local politics and agriculture. National press gives more space to terrorism than either Twitter or local news.
On the right is just one of many graphs in which we unpack this on a region-by-region basis (you can find more on the project website). In this choropleth, red indicates that the topic was significantly more discussed in national press than in local press in that area, and green indicates that the topic was significantly more discussed in local press there than in national press. Terrorism and immigration have perhaps been subject to a certain degree of media and propaganda inflation--we talk about this in our Social Informatics paper. Where media focus on locally relevant issues, foci are more grounded, for example in practical topics such as agriculture and employment. We found that across the regions, Twitter remainers showed a closer congruence with local press than Twitter leavers.
The graph on the right shows the number of times a newspaper was linked on Twitter, contrasted against the percentage of people that said they read that newspaper in the British Election Study. It shows that the dynamics of popularity on Twitter are very different to traditional readership. This highlights a need to understand how the online environment is affecting the news reportage we are exposed to, creating a market for a different kind of material, and a potentially more hostile climate for quality journalism, as discussed by project advisor Prof. Jackie Harrison here. Furthermore, local press are increasingly struggling to survive, so it feels important to highlight their value through this work.
You can see more choropleths on the project website. There's also an extended version here of an article currently under review.