Showing posts with label Twitter analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter analysis. Show all posts

Friday, 12 July 2019

Using GATE to drive robots at Headstart 2019

In collaboration with Headstart (a charitable trust that provides hands-on science, engineering and maths taster courses), the Department of Computer Science has just run its fourth annual summer school for maths and science A-level students. This residential course ran from 8 to 12 July 2019 and included practical work in computer programming, Lego robots, and project development as well as tours of the campus and talks about the industry.

For the third year in a row, we have included a section on natural language processing using GATE Developer and a special GATE plugin (which uses the ShefRobot library available from GitHub) that allows JAPE rules to operate the Lego robots.  As before, we provided the students with a starter GATE application (essentially the same as in last year's course) containing just enough gazetteer entries, JAPE, and sample code to let them tweet variations like "turn left" and "take a left" to make the robot do just that.  We also use the GATE Cloud Twitter Collector, which we have modified to run locally so the students can set it up on a lab computer so it follows their own twitter accounts and processes their tweets through the GATE application, sending commands to the robots when the JAPE rules match.

Based on lessons learned from the previous years, we put more effort into improving the instructions and the Twitter Collector software to help them get it running faster.  This time the first robot started moving under GATE's control less than 40 minutes from the start of the presentation, and the students rapidly progressed with the development of additional rules and then tweeting commands to their robots.

The structure and broader coverage of this year's course meant that the students had more resources available and a more open project assignment, so not all of them chose to use GATE in their projects, but it was much easier  and more streamlined for them to use than in previous years.

This year 42 students (14 female; 28 male) from around the UK attended the Computer Science Headstart Summer School.
Geography of male students

Geography of female students

The handout and slides are publicly available from the GATE website, which also hosts GATE Developer and other software products in the GATE family.  Source code is available from our GitHub site.  

GATE Cloud development is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654024 (the SoBigData project).

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

WeVerify: Algorithm-Supported Verification of Digital Content

Announcing WeVerify: a new project developing AI-based tools for computer-supported digital content verification. The WeVerify platform will provide an independent and community driven environment for the verification of online content, to be used to assist journalists in gathering and verifying quickly online content. Prof. Kalina Bontcheva will be serving as the Scientific Director of the project.

Online disinformation and fake media content have emerged as a serious threat to democracy, economy and society. Content verification is currently far from trivial, even for experienced journalists, human rights activists or media literacy scholars. Moreover, recent advances in artificial intelligence (deep learning) have enabled the creation of intelligent bots and highly realistic synthetic multimedia content. Consequently, it is extremely challenging for citizens and journalists to assess the credibility of online content, and to navigate the highly complex online information landscapes.

WeVerify aims to address the complex content verification challenges through a participatory verification approach, open source algorithms, low-overhead human-in-the-loop machine learning and intuitive visualizations. Social media and web content will be analysed and contextualised within the broader online ecosystem, in order to expose fabricated content, through cross-modal content verification, social network analysis, micro-targeted debunking and a blockchain-based public database of known fakes.

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A key outcome will be the WeVerify platform for collaborative, decentralised content verification, tracking, and debunking.

The platform will be open source to engage communities and citizen journalists alongside newsroom and freelance journalists. To enable low-overhead integration with in-house content management systems and support more advanced newsroom needs, a premium version of the platform will also be offered. It will be furthermore supplemented by a digital companion to assist with verification tasks.

Results will be validated by professional journalists and debunking specialists from project partners (DW, AFP, DisinfoLab), external participants (e.g. members of the First Draft News network), the community of more than 2,700 users of the InVID verification plugin, and by media literacy, human rights and emergency response organisations.

The WeVerify website can be found at, and WeVerify can be found on Twitter @WeV3rify!

Monday, 11 March 2019

Coming Up: 12th GATE Summer School 17-21 June 2019

It is approaching that time of the year again! The GATE training course will be held from 17-21 June 2019 at the University of Sheffield, UK.

No previous experience or programming expertise is necessary, so it's suitable for anyone with an interest in text mining and using GATE, including people from humanities backgrounds, social sciences, etc.

This event will follow a similar format to that of the 2018 course, with one track Monday to Thursday, and two parallel tracks on Friday, all delivered by the GATE development team. You can read more about it and register here. Early bird registration is available at a discounted rate until 1 May.

The focus will be on mining text and social media content with GATE. Many of the hands on exercises will be focused on analysing news articles, tweets, and other textual content.

The planned schedule is as follows (NOTE: may still be subject to timetabling changes).
Single track from Monday to Thursday (9am - 5pm):
  • Monday: Module 1: Basic Information Extraction with GATE
    • Intro to GATE + Information Extraction (IE)
    • Corpus Annotation and Evaluation
    • Writing Information Extraction Patterns with JAPE
  • Tuesday: Module 2: Using GATE for social media analysis
    • Challenges for analysing social media, GATE for social media
    • Twitter intro + JSON structure
    • Language identification, tokenisation for Twitter
    • POS tagging and Information Extraction for Twitter
  • Wednesday: Module 3: Crowdsourcing, GATE Cloud/MIMIR, and Machine Learning
    • Crowdsourcing annotated social media content with the GATE crowdsourcing plugin
    • GATE Cloud, deploying your own IE pipeline at scale (how to process 5 million tweets in 30 mins)
    • GATE Mimir - how to index and search semantically annotated social media streams
    • Challenges of opinion mining in social media
    • Training Machine Learning Models for IE in GATE
  • Thursday: Module 4: Advanced IE and Opinion Mining in GATE
    • Advanced Information Extraction
    • Useful GATE components (plugins)
    • Opinion mining components and applications in GATE
On Friday, there is a choice of modules (9am - 5pm):
  • Module 5: GATE for developers
    • Basic GATE Embedded
    • Writing your own plugin
    • GATE in production - multi-threading, web applications, etc.
  • Module 6: GATE Applications
    • Building your own applications
    • Examples of some current GATE applications: social media summarisation, visualisation, Linked Open Data for IE, and more
These two modules are run in parallel, so you can only attend one of them. You will need to have some programming experience and knowledge of Java to follow Module 5 on the Friday. No particular expertise is needed for Module 6.
Hope to see you in Sheffield in June!

Friday, 8 February 2019

Teaching computers to understand the sentiment of tweets

As part of the EU SoBigData project, the GATE team hosts a number of short research visits, between 2 weeks and 2 months, for all kinds of data scientists (PhD students, researchers, academics, professionals) to come and work with us and to use our tools and/or datasets on a project involving text mining and social media analysis. Kristoffer Stensbo-Smidt visited us in the summer of 2018 from the University of Copenhagen, to work on developing machine learning tools for sentiment analysis of tweets, and was supervised by GATE team member Diana Maynard and by former team member Isabelle Augenstein, who is now at the University of Copenhagen. Kristoffer has a background in Machine Learning but had not worked in NLP before, so this visit helped him understand how to apply his skills to this kind of domain.

After his visit, Kristoffer wrote up an excellent summary of his research. He essentially tested a number of different approaches to processing text, and analysed how much of the sentiment they were able to identify. Given a tweet and an associated topic, the aim is to ascertain automatically whether the sentiment expressed about this topic is positive, negative or neutral. Kristoffer experimented different word embedding-based models in order to test how much information different word embeddings carry for the sentiment of a tweet. This involved choosing which embeddings models to test, and how to transform the topic vectors. The main conclusions he drew from the work were that in general, word embeddings contain a lot of useful information about sentiment, with newer embeddings containing significantly more. This is not particularly surprising, but shows the importance of advanced models for this task.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Vizualisations of Political Hate Speech on Twitter

Recently there's been some media interest in our work on abuse toward politicians. We performed an analysis of abusive replies on Twitter sent to MPs and candidates in the months leading up to the 2015 and 2017 UK elections, disaggregated by gender, political party, year, and geographical area, amongst other things. We've posted about this previously, and there's also a more technical publication here. In this post, we wanted to highlight our interactive visualizations of the data, which were created by Mark Greenwood. The thumbnails below give a flavour of them, but click through to access the interactive versions.

Abusive Replies

Sunburst diagrams showing the raw number of abusive replies sent to MPs before the 2015 and 2017 elections. Rather than showing all candidates, these only show the MPs who were elected (i.e. the successful candidates). These nicely show the proportion of abusive replies sent to each party/gender combination but don't give any feeling per MP the proportion of replies which were abusive. Interactive version here!

Increase in Abuse

An overlapping bar chart showing how the percentage of abuse received per party/gender by MPs has increased between 2015 and 2017. For each party/gender two bars are drawn. The height of the bar in the party colour represents the percentage of replies which were abusive in 2017. The height of the grey bar (drawn at the back) is the percentage of replies which were abusive in 2015 and the width shows the change in volume of abusive replies (i.e. the width is calculated by dividing the 2015 raw abusive reply count by that from 2017 to give a percentage which is then used to scale the width of the bar). So height shows change in proportion, width shows increase in volume. There is also a simple version of this graph which only shows the change in proportion (i.e. the widths of the two bars are the same). Original version here.

Geographical Distribution of Abuse

A map showing the geographical distribution of abusive replies. The map of the UK is divided into the NUTS 1 regions, and each region is coloured based on the percentage of abusive replies sent to MPs who represent that region. Data from both 2015 and 2017 can be displayed to see how the distribution of abuse has changed. Interactive version here!

Thursday, 12 July 2018

GATE and JSON: Now Supporting 280 Character Tweets!

We first added support for reading tweets stored as JSON objects to GATE in version 8, all the way back in 2014. This support has proved exceptionally useful both internally to help our own research but also to the many researchers outside of Sheffield who use GATE for analysing Twitter posts. Recent changes that Twitter have made to the way they represent Tweets as JSON objects and the move to 280 character tweets has led us to re-develop our support for Twitter JSON and to also develop a simpler JSON format for storing general text documents and annotations.

This work has resulted in two new (or re-developed plugins); Format: JSON and Format Twitter. Both are currently at version 8.6-SNAPSHOT and are offered in the default plugin list to users of GATE 8.6-SNAPSHOT.

The Format: JSON plugin contains both a document format and export support for a simple JSON document format inspired by the original Twitter JSON format. Essentially each document is stored as a JSON object with two properties text and entities. The text field is simply the text of the document, while the entities contains the annotations and their features. The format of this field is that same as that used by Twitter to store entities, namely a map from annotation type to an array of objects each of which contains the offsets of the annotation and any other features. You can load documents using this format by specifying text/json as the mime type. If your JSON documents don't quite match this format you can still extract the text from them by specifying the path through the JSON to the text element as a dot separated string as a parameter to the mime type. For example, assume the text in your document was in a field called text but this wasn't at the root of the JSON document but inside an object named document, then you would load this by specifying the mime type text/json;text-path=document.text. When saved the text and any annotations would, however, by stored at the top level. This format essentially mirrors the original Twitter JSON, but we will now be freezing this format as a general JSON format for GATE (i.e. it won't change if/when Twitter changes the way they store Tweets as JSON).

As stated earlier the new version of our Format: Twitter plugin now fully supports Twitters new JSON format. This means we can correctly handle not only 280 character tweets but also quoted tweets. Essentially a single JSON object may now contain multiple tweets in a nested hierarchy. For example, you could have a retweet of a tweet which itself quotes another tweet. This is represented as three separate tweets in a single JSON object. Each top level tweet is loaded into a GATE document and covered with a Tweet annotation. Each of the tweets it contains are then added to the document and covered with a TweetSegment annotation. Each TweetSegment annotation has three features textPath, entitiesPath, and tweetType. The latter of these tells you the type of tweet i.e. retweet, quoted etc. whereas the first two give the dotted path through the JSON object to the fields from which text and entities were extracted to produce that segment. All the JSON data is added as nested features on the top level Tweet annotation. To use this format make sure to use the mime type text/x-json-twitter when loading documents into GATE.

So far we've only talked about loading single JSON objects as documents, however, usually you end up with a single file containing many JSON objects (often one per line) which you want to use to populate a corpus. For this use case we've added a new JSON corpus populator.

This populator allows you to select the JSON file you want to load, set the mime type to use to process each object within the file, and optionally provide a path to a field in the object that should be used to set the document name. In this example I'm loading Tweets so I've specified /id_str so that the name of the document is the ID of the tweet; paths are / separated list of fields specifying the root to the relevant field and must start with a /.

The code for both plugins is still under active development (hence the -SNAPSHOT version number) while we improve error handling etc. so if you spot any issues or have suggestions for features we should add please do let us know. You can use the relevant issue trackers on GitHub for either the JSON or Twitter format plugins.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Discerning Truth in the Age of Ubiquitous Disinformation (4): Russian Involvement in the Referendum and the Impact of Social Media Misinformation on Voting Behaviour

Discerning Truth in the Age of Ubiquitous Disinformation (4)

Russian Involvement in the Referendum and the Impact of Social Media Misinformation on Voting Behaviour

Kalina Bontcheva (@kbontcheva)

In my previous blog posts I wrote about the 4Ps of the modern disinformation age: post-truth politics, online propaganda, polarised crowds,  and partisan media; and how we can combat online disinformation

The news is currently full of reports of Russian involvement in the referendum and the potential impact of social media misinformation on voting behaviour

A small scale experiment by the Guardian exposed 10 US voters (five on each side) to  alternative Facebook news feeds. Only one participant changed his mind as to how they would vote. Some found their confirmation bias too hard to overcome, while others became acutely aware of being the target of abuse, racism, and misogyny.  A few started empathising with voters holding opposing views. They also gained awareness of the fact that opposing views abound on Facebook, but the platform is filtering them out. 

Russian Involvement in the Referendum

We analysed the accounts that were identified by Twitter as being associated with Russia in front of the US Congress in the fall of 2017, and we also took the other 45 ones that we found with BuzzFeed. We looked at tweets posted by these accounts one month before the referendum, and we did not find an awful lot of activity when compared to the overall number of tweets on the referendum, i.e. both the Russia-linked ads and Twitter accounts did not have major influence. 

There were 3,200 tweets in our data sets coming from those accounts, and 800 of those—about 26%—came from the new 45 accounts that we identified. However, one important aspect that has to be mentioned is that those 45 new accounts were tweeting in German, so even though they are there, the likely impact of those 800 tweets on the British voter is, I would say, not very likely to have been significant.

The accounts that tweeted on 23 Jun were quite different from those that tweeted before or after, with virtually all tweets posted in German. Their behaviour is also very different - with mostly retweets on referendum day by a tight network of anti-Merkel accounts, often within seconds of each other. The findings are in line with those of Prof. Cram from the University of Edinburgh, as reported in the Guardian

Journalists from BuzzFeed UK and our Sheffield  team  used the re-tweet  network to identify another 45 suspicious accounts, subsequently suspended by Twitter. Amongst the 3,200 total tweets, 830 came from the 45 newly identified accounts (26%).  Similar to those identified by Twitter, the newly discovered accounts were largely ineffective in skewing public debate. They attracted very few likes and retweets – the most successful message in the sample got just 15 retweets.

An important distinction that needs to be made is between Russia-influenced accounts that used advertising on one hand, and the Russia-related bots found by Twitter and other researchers on the other. 

The Twitter sockpuppet/bot accounts generally pretended to be authentic people (mostly American, some German) and would not resort to advertising, but instead try to go viral or gain prominence through interactions. An example of one such successful account/cyborg is Jenn_Abrams. Here are some details on how the account duped mainstream media: 

“and illustrates how Russian talking points can seep into American mainstream media without even a single dollar spent on advertising.” 

A related question is the influence of Russia-sponsored media and its Twitter posts. Here we consider the Russia Today promoted tweets - the 3 pre-referendum ones attracted just 53 likes and 52 retweets between them.

We analysed all tweets posted one month before 23 June 2016, which are either authored by Russia Today or Sputnik, or are retweets of these. This gives an indication of how much activity and engagement there was around these accounts. To put these numbers in context, we also included the equivalent statistics for the two main pro-leave and pro-remain Twitter accounts:

Original tweets
Retweeted by others
Retweets by this account
Replies by account
Total tweets
@RT_com -  General Russia Today
2,080 times
2,547 times
1,810 times
206 times


We also analysed which accounts retweeted RT_com and RTUKnews the most in our dataset. The top one with 75 retweets of Russia Today tweets was a self-declared US-based account that retweets Alex Jones from infowars, RT_com, China Xynhua News, Al Jazeera, and an Iranian news account. This account (still live) joined in Feb 2009 and as of 15 December 2017 has 1.09 million tweets - this means an average of more than 300 tweets per day, indicating it is a highly automated account. It has more than 4k followers, but follows only 33 accounts. Two of the next most active retweeters are a deleted and a suspended account, as well as two accounts that both stopped tweeting on 18 Sep 2016. 

For the two Sputnik accounts, the top retweeter made 65 retweets. It declares itself as Ireland based; has 63.7k tweets and 19.6k likes; many self-authored tweets; last active on 2 May 2017; account created on May 2015; avg 87 tweets a day (which possibly indicates an automated account);. It also retweeted Russia Today 15 times. The next two Sputnik retweeters (61 and 59 retweets respectively) are accounts with high average post-per-day rate (350 and 1,000 respectively) and over 11k and 2k followers respectively. Lastly, four of the top 10 accounts have been suspended or deleted. 

Disclaimer: All views are my own.